Because his father, a lawyer, found it difficult to support his large family, Segovia was sent to live with an aunt and uncle in Granada at age ten. Segovia was born February 21, 1893, in Linares, Jaen, in the region of Spain known as Andalusia.

He changed the guitar from an instrument of popular entertainment into a vehicle of serious classical music, thus inscribing his name in the annals of music history. Through his performances on concert stages worldwide, arranging and commissioning of new works for guitar, and teaching activities, Segovia gave the guitar new stature. Andres Segovia, the most celebrated classical guitarist the world has ever known, is unquestionably acknowledged as the founding father of the modern classical guitar movement. Cecilia, Rome Academia Filarmonica of Bologna, Italy Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid Fine Arts Santa Isabel of Hungria, Seville, Spain Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Nuestra Senora de las Angustias, Granada, Spain. Member: Royal Music Academy of Stockholm, Sweden Academy of St. Taught guitar at schools and universities throughout the world, including the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the Academia Musicale Chigiana, Siena, Italy. Made debut in Granada, Spain, 1909 made debuts in Paris, France, Berlin, Germany, and London, England, 1924 made American debut, 1928. "Born Andres Segovia Torres, February 21, 1893, in Linares, Jaen, Andalusia, Spain died of a heart attack June 2, 1987, in Madrid, Spain father was an attorney married first wife (divorced, 1962) married Amelia Corral Sancho children: (first marriage) Beatrice, Andres (with Sancho) Carlos.