When you reach Fire Man, he takes 7 hits with Ice Slasher (I) but luckily, his attack is very easy to dodge as all you need to do is keep jumping and shooting to win. Using the Magnet Beam (M) in Fire Man's stage is a good idea, too, as it makes it much easier to traverse. 😊 Elec Man looks so cool while Ice Man can't help but be a cutie Fire Man Ice Slasher (I) Is he the easiest boss in the entire game? I'd say yes, he is indeed.

During the fight with Ice Man, unleash a few Thunder Beams (E) and he'll go down in no time. Ice Man's stage can be rather tricky, especially with the disappearing blocks so don't be afraid to use your new Magnet Beam (M) in order to gain more steady footing in the challenging segments. All it takes is 3 lucky hits with the arching Rolling Cutter (C) and you'll claim victory. During the boss fight, Elec Man causes massive damage so jump to the blocks as soon as the battle begins then try to leap over his electricity throughout the battle. Halfway through Elec Man's stage, be sure to use the Super Arm (G) to remove the blocks in order to receive the Magnet Beam (M) which will come in handy in many of the trickier stages ahead as it allows you to create your own platforms in mid-air. Rock does beat scissors after all Elec Man Rolling Cutter (C) Specifically, it's best to throw each one his way as soon as he lands from a jump in order to catch him off guard. To defeat Cut Man, all you need to do is throw the 2 blocks at him with Super Arm so be careful not to miss and waste one. Now that we have Guts Man's Super Arm (G) weapon, we can use it to lift certain blocks made of brick in Cut Man's stage. If you simply jump around with some good timing while attacking aggressively, you'll be sure to end Guts Man's life before you bite the dust. Guts Man will jump and when he lands, Mega Man will get stunned unless you time your jump for right before Guts Man lands then jump again to avoid the rocks that he throws at you. I'd say there's only one Mega Man but this boss has me confused Guts Man Mega Buster (P)įor this first Robot Master, we'll use Mega Man's trusty Mega Buster. Cut Man / Super Arm (Fire Storm for 2nd encounter).Guts Man / Mega Buster (Hyper Bomb for 2nd encounter).Anyway, here is the boss order that we'll follow in this guide complete with their weaknesses: v1d30chumz

Although you could fight Bomb Man first, I recommend taking care of Guts Man right off the bat because he's rather easy if you dodge his attacks effectively and his weapon is useful in some of the stages. The original Mega Man only features 6 Robot Masters and they can be quite tricky to take down.
The first Mega Man paved the way for one incredible series so let's revisit the Blue Bomber's roots with some tried and true strategies. Maciejewski for Guides on September 24, 2021 Var masterslider_7525 = new MasterSlider() After struggling to complete the level, who wouldn’t want an easy boss encounter? Here’s the Mega Man mega fan’s guide to destroying every X-boss, in order, for all eight games in the complete collection.įor more boss orders, check out our guide for the original Mega Man Legacy Collection here. When you defeat a boss, you’ll earn that particular boss’ sub-weapon, and using the right sub-weapon on the right boss makes these difficult encounters insanely easy. We are talking about eight games in the series, after all. Part of the fun is discovering all the weaknesses for yourself, but I totally understand if you just want to breeze through. Just like the original games on the NES, Mega Man X can select which bosses to fight - but each boss has a weakness. The Mega Man X Legacy Collection covers all eight games in this side-scrolling series, and if you’re new to the games, we’re here to provide an easy-to-follow list, showing you the easiest order to follow if you want to defeat every boss using the right weapons.